Lighting Director, California FFA, 2017 (Hog 3 with expansion wings)
Lighting Programmer, Designer & Technician 2014- Present
Network protocols; ARTNET, SACN, MA-Net, ETC-Net
Lighting console systems; Ma 1, Ma2, Hog 3 & 4, Chamsys, Obsidian, Eos ETC
Drafting; Vectorworks and AutoCad
Media servers; Mbox Extreme, Resolume Arena, Hippo
Data Organization & Management; Light-Wright 6, Excel
In-depth awareness of all major lighting fixture manufacturers product lines;
Vari-lite, Martin Professional, GLP, Robe, Clay Paky, Chroma-Q, Chauvet Professional
Visualizers; Capture, MA3D, WYSIWYG, L8, Light Converse
High Competency in time code; ShowKontrol, SMPTE, Midi, Abelton
Proficient in cloning festival stages; PSR, ARTNET merging, punting
Please contact directly for a detailed resume of professional experience.